by Alexander Abramkin
(continued: ................................................................... back to top)
ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Part 1. To discuss problems of economic activity , it is necessary to go a little bit aside and previously to study the following questions: - What is The World around of us, and we inside of it. - Problems of society survival Only after that, we shall have an opportunity correctly to make the question about economic activity. What is The World around of us, and we inside of it. If to look around, it is possible to note, that around of us exists much of similar including: animals, bird, fish, insects and so on, viruses, trees ... And all of this has one general point in the structure - biology cell. It distinguishes us from all not cell structure of the construction same as : sand, water, air, light, . From this point we can make conclusion - there are two form construction of Life: cell form (CF) and not cell form (NCF). Such definition may be incorrectly, but it is correct for the purposes of our investigation. Moreover, we can note that experience of our life on planet has shown, that volume of NCF is considerably bigger then volume of CF. If we expand our review to borders of our Solar system, we can note that volume of NCF is much much more and so on if we look on Galaxy. About what it speaks? The rules of NCF life are main for the Whole World and are determining life of all , including life of CF (people too). It means, that any conflict between CF and NCF will be solved by any ways for the benefit of NCF. It is known, that in borders of our Solar system the rough presence of CF is noticed only on our planet. The people, part of CF, roughly growing, and everything, that was told above about relation between CF and NCF is true for people. Therefore, our egocentric philisophy in respect of the world, around of us, is extremely dangerous, first of all, for people. Moreover, presence of CF in limits of Whole cosmic World is not obligatory for life of NCF and, from here, appropriate place CF in a total picture of the World. Within the limits of our planet we should rather harmoniously build the relations with our planet, remembering, that any our opposition will not be solved for our benefit. Problems of a survival To investigate the question of a CF survival we should take in consideration what is necessory for CF life. CF, including people, uses for life from the around world - part of CF and NCF, the part of which, after using, throws in garbage , mostly as NCF. It means that for volume of CF is limited by volume of CF and NCF which can be used for CF life. If CF try to use more volume especially of NCF any problem can be arisen, because it try to overcome the Limit of NCF which is possible to use for CF life. There is The Limit of CF volume, which can live on our planet. It means, that people must use resources of NCF and CF of our planet with great care and with great economy. There is a probability to occur within Limit of CF volume and it is not possible to know what reaction from our planet will be. May be CF volume is near of Limit always and ice period, ancient histories about catastrophe of the world, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, wars, diseases and so on are reactions of our planet (main NCF) to decrease CF volume. From this point, it is clear, why there are predictions about future catastrophe of the world for CF only. This predictions have historical memory of people about same catastrophes at previous history. It does not means, that reasons of this catastrophes are conflict between volumes CF and NCF only. It means, that conflict between volumes CF and NCF can be main reason of this catastrophes for CF. It is necessary to understand that our planet (main NCF) has itself life with different processes and if CF (people) try to destroy some of one, the planet will destroy such attempts by any way. It means, that people must build yourself activity with great care to avoid any conflict with planet. The above brief review of CF survival problems and its place in the world gives us an opportunity to procced to investigate the question about economic activity of a society. |