


by Alexander Abramkin


That is observable, that we write

What not is observable, that we do not write

All of following, is written first of all for itself to make any order in recognition of all those events and phenomena in life of a society, which surround each of us, and influence our life. There is ocean of opinions and recipes concerning life of a society, organization of the state device, and, as the result, very often unsatisfactory practical results. It is obviously felt necessity with some base (fundamental) concepts of a society life, which can be used for organization of society life.At least, would make lower negative consequences of too often attempts of changing public life. For this reason all below-mentioned is an attempt to find such concepts.

All, the above and below said, are made from following positions: all reasons and conclusions must be not depended from subjective opinions of author or other persons. Reasons and conclusions are done, as much as possible, objective from life events of society , regardless of that: are we agree with this or no, are we think about this or no, are we want to see it or no.


The man one of alive essences on our planet having the most extensive opportunities, abilities and requirements. This one of most, at present time, agressive and most alive of essences. Among all numerous requirements)of the man we shall allocate one - communication. The man is doomed on communication biologically, psychologically owing to their multiplicity.


As the man is doomed on communication and, hence, on a society, it is necessity that will be any problems of communication. Conditionally, it is possible to divide communication on three systems: agressive, compromise, peace.

Agressive - when two men (or more) reach(achieve) mutual understanding by force methods and therefore: one of the parties will be subordinated by another, or will be destroyed, or have to stop any commynication.

Compromise - when any of the parties can not be subordinate by another by means of force methods, and also can not stop communication and, therefore, have to build the relations on any mutual rules - compromises.

Peace - when between communicating parties there are no reasons to communicate by means of force methods and there are no reasons to stop communication.

To analyze briefly these three systems of communication.

Let's construct model of a society with aggressive system of communication. As to the above definition society inevitably should be divided into three parts: first - agressive, which has subordinated to herself other less agressive, second part of a society and third - less agressive part, but which has not wished to be under first one and can not subordinate it, and, therefore, should exist alone or to form other society. The above given model - is real, but it is possible to imagine when all members of a society are equal agressive and strong, in this case ,there are only two ways: either catastrophe of society or life without communication, but it is not possible due to the above definitions.

Hence, it is possible to make a conclusion, that the society with agressive system of communication, has real chances to be in catastrophe.

The model of a society with compromise system of communication is more preferable because of in case of equal agressive members of a society a list of rules regulate all communication and which allow to communicate without pressing or destruction . Such system does not exclude that one part of a society will be subordinate by another, but it allows to be alive for society.

The model of a society with peace system of communication is ideal and, as any ideal, can not be realized, though locally it can exist. The example of it can be any families or society with small quantity of the members.

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